Sponsor a child

Hello I am
Emmanuella Asieduwaa
Emmanuella is a curious and clever girl with good attendance and the top marks in the school. She likes to speak English and loves reading all kinds of books. Emmanuella is enrolled in K3 and will be beginning Primary 1 in 2020.
Sponsorship of Emma will cover :


Health Care
School Supplies

School Uniform

my teachers say

Hello I am
Stephanie Konadu
Stephanie Konadu is the younger sibling of Emmanuella. Their parents are both farmers. She is very calm, bright, and is the top student in K2 class at Harvest. She loves to read and learn English. Their parents show the desire and acknowledge their brilliance by bringing them to school daily. They do struggle to pay basic necessities and we want to ensure these two girls get the best they deserve as we believe they are very capable students.
Sponsorship of Stephanie will cover :


Health Care
School Supplies

School Uniform
my teachers say
Hello I am
Ampofo Appiah

Ampofo likes playing football and doing creative arts. His mother passed away and his father is a retired teacher. He is fortunate to have some literacy in his home but lacks the finances to come to school.
His father has re-married and they have other children.
Sponsorship of Ampofo will cover :


Health Care
School Supplies

School Uniform

my teachers say
Angel is a very sweet small girl, one of our youngest students. She was only a few months into school in her K1 class when her young father suddenly passed away. His funeral was attended by her class teacher. Her family is managing and she is still attending classes but a scholarship would help the family greatly.
Sponsorship of Angel will cover :


Health Care
School Supplies

School Uniform

Hello I am
Anoke Sarah Angel

my teachers say
Emmanuella Akrasi was our very first student at Harvest. She is a sweet charming child who loves learning English and has started to recite poems at her church. We are grateful that her mother had such trust in a new school and is such an advocate for her daughter's education.
Emmanuella has three older brothers and her mother is a farmer. The family would appreciate any help towards ensuring Emmanuella stays on her bright path with her education.
Sponsorship of Emma Akrasi will cover :


Health Care
School Supplies

School Uniform

Hello I am
Emmanuella Akrasi

my teachers say

my teachers say
Godfred’s father is elderly and he has many siblings. His family is very poor and his biological mother has passed away. He is not a regular in school due to not being able to afford bus fees. We only ask the family to pay what they can in school fees because we want to retain this clever child that loves reading, math, and art. He should be considered for a scholarship. He is a K2 student beginning K3 in September 2020. Godfred is considered to be an at-risk child.
Sponsorship of Godfred will cover :


Health Care
School Supplies

School Uniform